How do I know which is the right All Weather Pool for me?
There are many questions to ask before buying an All Weather Pool. Our Arctic Spas® specialists are always available to answer your questions and provide guidance on how to choose the right All Weather Pool. Make an appointment for a personal or virtual consultation or download our hot tub buyer guide here.
Arctic Spas’® All Weather Pools are the perfect way to be in complete control of your training.
Swim Training
Life happens, limiting opportunities that swimmers have to get to the public pool. Skipped sessions can impact your training results. What can you do? All Weather Pools are a great way to continue swim training regardless of your situation.
Keep up your Routine
Routines are a great way to accelerate your training. A great way to accomplish this is to create a swimming routine in your All Weather Pool. Getting outside and in your swim spa for 20 minutes every morning is a great way to get your heart rate up and get your day going.
Integrating a training program into your day is easy with a swim spa. All you have to do is go into your backyard and hop in! Making a training plan and sticking to it can help you get healthier and happier while you’re stuck at home. Watch your swim workouts get longer and harder as you get better with practice.

Building your Workout Plan
Everyone’s fitness needs are different. One of the best things about an All Weather Pool is that there’s a training program for everyone. You could choose to turn the resistance jets on and do the front stroke for 45 minutes for some high-intensity training or you could use the tether system to swim for 20 minutes and then attach the resistance bands and do some strength training.
The key to building a good workout plan is consistency. Set a goal to get out to your swim spa and do some swim sets 4 times a week, or whatever seems reasonable for you while still pushing yourself.
Another thing you might want to incorporate into your workout plan is dryland training. Even competitive swimmers don’t do all their training in the water. Go for a run, lift some weights or ride a spin bike for 30 minutes. Adding different forms of exercise into your routine keeps it interesting and helps you get healthier!
Recovery is a big part of any workout. If you’re sore from your previous workout, you’re not going to be able to keep a high intensity for your next workout.
A great feature of the All Weather Pool is that you’re able to adjust the temperature. Turn your swim spa into a hot tub with the click of a button. Sitting in warm water helps your muscles recover from your workout so that you’re able to get up and do it all again the next day!
The All Weather Pool is the perfect tool for training. You never have to worry about leaving your house for the gym when you have an All Weather Pool in your backyard.